

Integration of SQLdep into Collibra’s platform will provide automated data lineage for faster time to insight

 Collibra, the data intelligence company, today announced the acquisition of SQLdep, a leading SaaS provider of automated data lineage. The acquisition of SQLdep will empower data citizens to uncover faster and deeper insights from their data.

SQLdep automates the discovery and visualization of technical data lineage and enables organizations to better capture context around data, understand data quality, support compliance initiatives and increase trust.

“Organizations are challenged with managing thousands of data sets scattered across the enterprise, both on-premise and in the cloud,” said Jim Cushman, Chief Product Officer for Collibra. “With this volume of data, understanding data lineage is a critical first step in the data intelligence journey, and our acquisition of SQLdep will help organizations build trust in, and unlock the value of, their data.”

SQLdep's automated data lineage functionality will complement Collibra Catalog and Collibra’s privacy offerings. With SQLdep’s automated lineage diagrams, users can understand how data sets are built and aggregated, what each set means, and which sets can be trusted to be leveraged for business decisions. Users can make use of this enriched context as they shop for the right data set for the right purpose.

“We built SQLdep to automate and simplify the discovery of data lineage and help companies better capture the context around their data, comply with regulations, and innovate their technology stack,” said Martin Masarik, CEO for SQLdep. “Now, together with Collibra, our capabilities will allow business users to quickly surface insights by pinpointing the optimal data sets using data sourced from anywhere in the enterprise.”

The integration of SQLdep with Collibra’s current offerings will advance the company’s platform strategy by enabling more data citizens to maximize the value of their data. Collibra will also expand its European presence, acquiring SQLdep’s operations and development hub in Prague.

About Collibra

Collibra is the Data Intelligence company. We accelerate trusted business outcomes by connecting the right data, insights, and algorithms to all Data Citizens. Our cloud-based platform connects IT and the business to build a data-driven culture for the digital enterprise. Global organizations choose Collibra to unlock the value of their data and turn it into a strategic, competitive asset. We have a diverse global footprint, with offices in the U.S., Australia, Belgium, France, UK, and Poland. For more information, visit collibra.com.

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”组织正在挑战管理成千上万的数据集分散在企业内部和云,“吉姆说Cushman, Collibra首席产品官。亚愽视频“本卷的数据,理解数据沿袭是关键的第一步数据情报旅程,和我们的收购SQLdep将帮助组织建立信任,解锁的价值,他们的数据。”


“我们建造SQLdep自动化和简化数据沿袭的发现,帮助企业更好的捕捉周围的环境数据,遵守规章制度,和创新他们的技术堆栈,”Martin Masarik说SQLdep CEO。“现在,Collibra一起,我们的能力亚愽视频将使业务用户能够快速表面见解通过确定最优数据集使用的数据来自任何地方的企业。”

集成的SQLdep Collibra目前的发行将推进公司的平台亚愽视频战略,通过使更多的公民的价值最大化他们的数据。亚愽视频Collibra还将扩大其欧洲业务,收购SQLdep在布拉格的运营和发展中心。







