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Collibra Data Marketplace, Collibra Data Quality & Observability in the Cloud, and Collibra Protect make trusted data accessible to more users


Today at Data Citizens ‘22, the Data Intelligence conference, Collibra unveiled a wave of new innovations designed to make data intelligence easy and accessible to more data users with the performance, security, and scale that enterprise organizations demand.


These innovations include new capabilities for Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud that enhance search, collaboration, business process automation, and analytics as well as brand new products that support customers with data access governance and data quality and observability in the cloud. Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud brings together an enterprise-grade data catalog, data lineage, flexible governance, continuous quality, and built-in data privacy.


Currently, the majority of organizations understand the need for data intelligence, but according to IDC, close to 72% continue to be challenged when it comes to building a strong data culture and driving adoption1. Making reliable data accessible to more users at scale is key to helping organizations unlock the full potential of their data.


“At Collibra we are building products and capabilities with an eye to making data intelligence easier for our customers — easier to get started, easier to use and manage, and easier to securely and cost-effectively scale to support even across the most demanding use cases,” said Laura Sellers, Chief Product Officer for Collibra. “We are incredibly excited about these new innovations because they make trusted data accessible to more users, across more use cases, and more data sources on a truly enterprise-grade, complete data intelligence platform.”


Delivering Simple and Rich Experiences to More Users


The introduction of a new data marketplace, usage insights and rich tailored experiences ensures all users, even those who don’t have a background in data, can easily find, understand, trust and access data to deliver better business outcomes. Advanced process automation capabilities further allow data teams to easily create and use workflows to enhance productivity and streamline processes.

  • Data Marketplace: Too often teams struggle to find reliable data they can use. The new Collibra Data Marketplace makes it easier and faster than ever for teams to surface curated and approved data, so they can confidently and reliably make better decisions. Taking full advantage of the power of the Collibra metadata graph, Collibra Data Marketplace makes finding, understanding and collaborating with data within Collibra Data Catalog as simple as conducting a quick Google search.
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  • Usage Analytics: Driving data literacy and user adoption requires an understanding of what users are doing within any data intelligence platform. The new Usage Analytics dashboard provides organizations with real-time actionable insights on which communities, domains and assets are most widely used across users over a period of time, so teams can proactively monitor adoption and take the necessary actions to help maximize their data intelligence investments.
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  • New Homepage: Making it easy for users to get started means creating a consistent and intuitive experience that allows them to easily navigate across the platform to find what they are looking for. The new Collibra homepage provides a simplified and tailored experience complete with insights, links, widgets and recommendations on datasets based on a user’s browsing history or what is popular so they can quickly find what they are looking for every time they log into Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud.
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  • Workflow Designer (Beta): Manual rules and processes can be cumbersome and error-prone for data teams. The new Workflow Designer, now in beta, makes it easier for teams to work together to create and use new workflows to automate business processes. Accessible from within Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud, Workflow Designer now also opens to a new App Model view which enables users to easily define, verify and deploy a bundle of processes or forms to streamline tasks.
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Meeting the Performance, Scale, and Security Requirements of the Modern Enterprise


As the volume, variety and velocity of data increases, organizations are continuing to move their data to the cloud to minimize costs and reap the benefits of better performance, scale and security. To help accelerate this journey, Collibra is introducing several new offerings in the cloud as well as multiple new integrations.

  • Collibra Protect: Collibra Protect provides intelligent data controls so organizations can easily discover, define and protect data across cloud platforms. This new integration will be made available through Collibra's partnership with Snowflake, the Data Cloud company, and enable data stewards to create and execute data protection policies in minutes without the need for any code. The offering provides increased visibility into the use of protected and sensitive data, and when combined with data classification, it ensures organizations can easily protect data and maintain compliance at scale.
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  • Data Quality & Observability in the Cloud: The new release of Collibra Data Quality & Observability brings scalability, agility and security to data quality operations across multiple clouds. Organizations can deploy Collibra Data Quality & Observability in the cloud of their choice to reduce IT overhead, enjoy real-time updates and flexibly scale up or down to meet their changing business needs.
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  • Data Quality Pushdown for Snowflake (Beta): Data Quality Pushdown for Snowflake gives organizations the ability to process data quality operations in Snowflake. The new offering enables organizations to reap the benefits of managing data quality in the cloud without having to worry about egress charges and dependencies on Spark compute.
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  • New Integrations (Beta): Today, 77% of organizations are integrating up to five different types of data in pipelines and up to 10 different types of data storage or management technologies. Collibra is proud to partner with the world’s leading technology organizations to deliver trusted data across more sources to all users. With new integrations now in beta, joint Collibra customers across Snowflake, Azure Data Factory and Google Cloud Storage can get complete visibility into cloud data assets from source to destination and deliver trusted data to all users across the organization.
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Customer, Analyst, and Partner Support


“Data gives us a competitive advantage. By using data as a strategic product, we are transforming our business, accelerating product innovation, and truly connecting with customers and partners both in-store and online. The Collibra Data Intelligence Cloud enhances the ability of data users in our organization to quickly and easily find, understand and trust our data,” said Bart de Geus, Global Manager Data Governance at Heineken.


“Data Intelligence is widely recognized across business leaders as a critical component of any data strategy, but as the volume of data continues to grow exponentially, adoption challenges must be addressed sooner rather than later,” said Stewart Bond, Vice President, Data Intelligence and Data Integration Software at IDC. “Collibra’s introduction of new features focused on simplicity, scale, and adoption are a welcome addition, and will go a long way in helping organizations move from implementation to realizing value faster, in a more agile way.”


“We’re proud to continue expanding Snowflake’s strong partnership with Collibra as we enable our joint customers to maximize the value of their data in the cloud,” said Colleen Kapase, SVP of WW Partner and Alliances for Snowflake. “Snowflake and Collibra have a shared vision to help enterprises easily discover and scale access to trusted data, and these new product innovations are an important step in our growing collaboration.”


About Data Citizens


Data Citizens is the industry’s go-to event for all things data intelligence. This year, it features 45+ customer and Collibra-led sessions, an extensive ecosystem of top data intelligence leaders and partners including Google, Amazon, and Snowflake, and multiple workshops and networking events. Learn more about Data Citizens ‘22.


About Collibra


Since 2008, Collibra has been uniting organizations by delivering trusted data for every use, for every user, and across every source. Our Data Intelligence Cloud brings flexible governance, continuous quality and built-in privacy to all types of data. The Global 2000 relies on Collibra to create the critical alignment that accelerates workflows and delivers better results faster. We have a diverse global footprint, with offices in the U.S., Belgium, Australia, Czech Republic, France, Poland and the U.K. To learn more, visit collibra.com, follow @Collibra on Twitter or follow us on LinkedIn.




1IDC White Paper, sponsored by Collibra, Data Intelligence Maturity to Drive 3x Better Business Outcomes, doc #US49446822, August 2022

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亚愽视频Collibra数据市场、Collibra云中数据质量和可观察性以及Collibra Protect让更多用户可以访问可信数据




Coll亚愽视频ibra首席产品官Laura Sellers表示:“在Collibra,我们正在构建产品和功能,着眼于让我们的客户更容易获得数据智能——更容易入门,更容易使用和管理,更容易安全和经济有效地扩展,甚至支持最苛刻的用例。”“我们对这些新的创新感到非常兴奋,因为它们让更多用户、更多用例和更多数据源在真正企业级、完整的数据智能平台上访问可信数据。”



  • 市场数据:团队经常难以找到他们可以使用的可靠数据。新的Collib亚愽视频ra数据市场使团队比以往任何时候都更容易、更快地展示经过策划和批准的数据,因此他们可以自信、可靠地做出更好的决策。充分利用Collibra元数据图的强大功能,Collibra数据市场可以在Colli亚愽视频bra数据目录中查找、理解和协作数据,就像进行快速谷歌搜索一样简单。

  • 使用情况分析:推动数据素养和用户采用需要理解用户在任何数据智能平台中都在做什么。新的使用分析仪表板为组织提供实时可操作的见解,了解在一段时间内哪些社区、域和资产在用户中被广泛使用,因此团队可以主动监控采用情况,并采取必要的行动,帮助最大化其数据智能投资。

  • 新主页:让用户易于上手意味着创造一致而直观的体验,让他们能够轻松地在平台上导航,找到他们想要的东西。新的Collib亚愽视频ra主页提供了一个简化和量身定制的体验,包括基于用户浏览历史或流行内容的数据集的见解、链接、小部件和建议,以便他们每次登录Collibra数据智能云时都能快速找到他们想要的东西。

  • 工作流设计器(测试版):对于数据团队来说,手动规则和流程可能很麻烦,而且容易出错。新的工作流设计器(目前处于测试阶段)使团队更容易一起工作,以创建和使用新的工作流来自动化业务流程。从Collibra数据智能云中访问,工作流设计亚愽视频器现在还可以打开一个新的应用程序模型视图,使用户能够轻松地定义、验证和部署一组流程或表单,以简化任务。



  • 亚愽视频Collibra保护: 亚愽视频Collibra Protect提供智能数据控件,使组织可以轻松地跨云平台发现、定义和保护数据。这种新的集成将通过Collibra与数据云公司Snowflake的合作实现,使数据管理员能够在几分钟内创亚愽视频建和执行数据保护策略,而不需要任何代码。该产品提高了受保护和敏感数据使用的可见性,当与数据分类相结合时,它确保组织可以轻松地保护数据并保持大规模的合规性。

  • 云中的数据质量和可观察性: Collibra数据质量和可观察性的新亚愽视频版本为跨多个云的数据质量操作带来了可伸缩性、敏捷性和安全性。组织可以在自己选择的云中部署Collibra数据质亚愽视频量和可观察性,以减少IT开销,享受实时更新,并灵活地扩大或缩小规模,以满足不断变化的业务需求。

  • 雪花的数据质量推送(测试版):雪花的数据质量下推使组织能够在雪花中处理数据质量操作。新产品使组织能够获得在云中管理数据质量的好处,而不必担心出口费用和对Spark计算的依赖。

  • 新的集成(测试版)今天,77%的组织在管道中集成了多达5种不同类型的数据和多达10种不同类型的数据存储或管理技术。亚愽视频Collibra很自豪能够与世界领先的技术组织合作,通过更多来源为所有用户提供可信的数据。随着新的集成现在正在测试阶段,Collibra在雪花、Azure数据工厂和谷歌云存亚愽视频储上的联合客户可以从源到目的地完全可见云数据资产,并向整个组织的所有用户交付可信的数据。


“数据给了我们竞争优势。通过将数据作为一种战略产品,我们正在转变我们的业务,加速产品创新,并真正与店内和线上的客户和合作伙伴建立联系。Coll亚愽视频ibra数据智能云增强了我们组织中的数据用户快速、轻松地查找、理解和信任我们数据的能力,”喜力全球数据治理经理Bart de Geus表示。

IDC数据智能和数据集成软件副总裁斯图尔特·邦德(Stewart Bond)表示:“数据智能被商业领袖广泛认为是任何数据战略的关键组成部分,但随着数据量继续呈指数级增长,采用挑战必须尽早解决。”“亚愽视频Collibra引入的专注于简单性、规模和采用的新功能是一个受欢迎的补充,并将在帮助组织以更敏捷的方式更快地从实现到实现价值方面发挥很大作用。”

雪花WW合作伙伴和联盟高级副总裁Colleen Kapase表示:“我们很自豪能够继续扩大雪花与Collibra的强大合作关系,使我们的共同客亚愽视频户能够最大限度地发挥他们在云中数据的价值。”“Snowflake和Coll亚愽视频ibra有一个共同的愿景,那就是帮助企业轻松发现并扩展对可信数据的访问,这些新的产品创新是我们不断增长的合作中的重要一步。”


数据公民(Data Citizens)是数据智能领域的行业盛会。今年,它有45多个客户和collibra主导的会议,一个由顶级数据智能领导者和合亚愽视频作伙伴(包括谷歌、Amazon和Snowflake)组成的广泛生态系统,以及多个研讨会和网络活动。了解更多关于数据公民



1IDC白皮书,由Collibra赞助,数据智能成熟度驱动3倍亚愽视频更好的业务结果,文件#US49446822, 2022年8月





